Tuesday, February 12

She Never Was And Never Will Be

The sky is crying now,
maybe it feels me better than i do..
It feels how upset and lonely I am..
Streets are empty
there is still time for sunrise..
I dont wanna sun shine,
please dont shine over my dreams
those dreams I make hard with my nails
because they quickly fade away
and every single day just takes you away.
Time is running out
I recognize but I am helpless
I dont wanna be stranger to the face once I am familiar with..
I just break, I just hurt
I just watch in silence
I dont wanna seek,
I dont wanna struggle for the new comers..
I am peaceful with the olds..
Because I can  never replace
And It hurts my heart,
You dont recognize
it worries me and you dont even feel..
I wish I could be that cold feelingless steel..
So that I could pack and go far away
Without ties, without mercy, without pity
But no, I am stuck over here by myself
that is the worst enemy to me
And I have no power nor remedy
I cannot save my soul
From the hands of bad fortune
Because i was an easy prey
I dont wanna lose it all
Not having is better than losing
As I came this far by chance
I realize that double taken what is given
It is nothing but gambling
And I know that feeling
It is beyond everything
If I am never needed then
I could be more than nothing

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