C A N A D A 
If someone asked me to fraw canadian flag I would suck at it as i am not really good at drawing.. I would just paint a white paper into red from each sides and leave the middle of the page empty xD But you know sometimes being practical doesnt work on things..Anyway
Are the places to go !!! For sure
Keywords: ice hockey, waterfall, legal gay marriage, melting pot, French, stupid countryside boys, canadian independency, morgen stern, northern lights, immigrants, turkish markets, no certain culture, cold weather <3 warm and cute people, canadian curling team [they were cute in 2011 Universiade, Winter olympics at my university city]

Ohhh I wanna go skating over there ^^

How wonderful it could be if I just spent christmas time in canada !! I love everything cold so it doesnt matter...

Sisterhood ^^
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